The comparaions of the different design interchangble Cee purline and Zee purline rolling forming machine

Based on the development of machine design and different customers' requirements, now we have main three type Cee Zee interchangble purline making machine. Here are the lists for your reference:
1. Standard Cee & Zed Purlin Combined Forming Machine
  • Raw material:1.5-3.2mm,G345Mpa ,  Pre- cutter and pre-punching system, Old design with 10 stations roller for changing Cee to Zed purlin
2. New Cee & Zed Purlin Combined Forming Machine
  • Raw material:1.5-3.2mm,G345Mpa,  Pre-punching and post-cutter system,  New design with 1 station roller for changing Cee to Zed purlin
3. Quickly Speed Cee & Zed Purlin Combined Forming Machine
  • Raw material:1.5-3.5mm,G345Mpa, Individual pre-punching system, and tracking post-cutter system, New design with 1 station roller for changing Cee to Zed purlin

Main Contrast Characteristics of C&Z Machines

1)Different designs of Cee and Zed purlin combined forming machine are all used to produce Cee and Zed purlins.
2)Forming speed are different between standard style ,new but common style and Quickly style machine. 
3 factors determine speed of machine running: the first one is raw material thickness---the thicker,the slower; the second one is holes distance-----the denser,the slower; and the third one is products length---the shorter, the slower;
Standard style and new style forming speed is 0-15m/min, and its producing speed approx.0-12m/min(including cutting and punching); 
Quickly style forming speed is 0-25m/min, and the producing speed will be 0-18m/min(including cutting and punching).
3)Standard and new Cee &Zed machine need only one 40inch container for shipping.
4)Quickly Cee &Zed machine need 2pcs 40inch container for shipping.
The machine designs are different and then the machine cost and other prduction effect also will be different. So there are so many options, if you need, we can give you the best offer. 

Standard Cee & Zed Purlin Combined Forming Machine with pre-cutter

New Cee & Zed Purlin Combined Forming Machine with post-cutter

If you want to know more information about the CZ purlin machine, please feel free to contact with us.
Whatsapp: +8615127755788 and +8613733275488


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